Chocolate Nut Shortbread: Preheat your oven to 325 degrees
F (165 degrees C). You will need a 9 inch (23 cm)
tart pan with a removable bottom (can also use a 9 inch (23 cm) spring form
pan). Butter, or spray the bottom of the pan, with a non stick vegetable spray.
In the bowl of your electric stand mixer, fitted with the paddle
attachment (or with a hand mixer), beat the butter and sugar, on low speed,
until mixed together.
In a separate
bowl whisk together the flour and salt. Add to the butter and sugar mixture and beat just until incorporated
and the batter starts to clump together (you don't want a solid ball of dough).
Press the
shortbread dough evenly into your tart pan. Prick the surface of the shortbread
with the tines of a fork to prevent the shortbread from puffing up. Next, evenly sprinkle the
top of the shortbread with the chopped nuts and chocolate chips. Gently
press the chopped nuts and chocolate into the shortbread.
for about 30 to 35 minutes or until
nicely browned (biscuit color).
Place on a wire rack and allow the shortbread to cool completely before removing from pan. Then
the shortbread on a cutting board and cut into 12 wedges. Store in an
airtight container or the shortbreads can be frozen.
Makes 12

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