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Cinnamon Toast Recipe


Cinnamon Toast: In a small bowl mix the sugar with the cinnamon, adjusting the ratio of sugar to cinnamon to your own particular taste.

Toast the bread until golden brown, on both sides, either under the oven's broiler, on a grill, or in a toaster oven.  Butter one side of the toast and sprinkle generously with the cinnamon sugar. If desired, place the cinnamon toast under the oven's broiler until the sugar has melted and starts to bubble. Remove from oven, cut the slices of cinnamon toast in half, and eat straight away. 

Makes 2 Servings.

Cinnamon Toast:

1/4 cup (50 grams) white granulated sugar or light brown sugar

2 1/4 teaspoons ground cinnamon (or to taste)

Butter, at room temperature

4 slices of white or whole wheat bread